Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 8 Progress

I am acceptably happy with my progress so far, but I feel that I am procrastinating a little more than I would like. Sometimes it's just difficult to make myself start working! I really like this class, so it's not like the work is horrible or unpleasant. I'm just tired and it's making it difficult to stay motivated some days. My weekly routine is good. The only problem with it is making sure that I stick to it the way that I should. I haven't done any of the extra credit options yet, but I'm going to start doing them soon.

My favorite assignments in this class are the reading assignments. Everything that we've read is completely new to me. I love getting the opportunity to read something that I never have before!

For the rest of the semester, I plan to start expanding a little more and doing some of the extra credit assignments. They look fun, I've just been putting them off. But, now it's at the point that I need to buckle down and just start doing them before I run out of time!

This image pretty much sums up my mantra for the rest of the semester. I'm halfway through, and the only way to finish is to just do it! Nothing can get done until it gets started. I just have to remind myself of that fact every time that I start to feel lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The hardest part of any task I feel is just sitting down and getting started. If I'm having this problem I also just try to keep reminding myself that the start is the hardest part, and once I've completed that it will all flow so easily. Then I look back and wonder why I was so hesitant to begin.
    The extra credit options are definitely an amazing opportunity! They don't take too long, and they're well worth it when schoolwork/life gets hectic/crazy!
    Good luck to you the rest of the semester!
